Sunday 1 February 2015

My First Time

Today I'm going to be doing the My First Time tag. I know I'm pretty behind on this but oh well. I've seen so many videos on YouTube doing this tag and since I don't do YouTube videos, I thought I would do it on my blog.

First Word
I'm not really sure what my first word was but I think it was grandad. Actually, I said it as 'gangad' but it's the same thing. I remember when I was about 1, at my Auntie's wedding, I was running around the church shouting "Gangad! Gangad!"

First Teddy
When I was born, I think I was given lots of teddies. I don't have any teddies with me because they are all in storage but I can remember a few. (I'm living in my Gran's house at the moment because we moved out of our old house and w are moving again soon, we just don't know when!) One of them, is called Snowy because it's white and fluffy and on her foot, it says 2001 (the year I was born) and the other one is a big brown bear called Emily! I think she's actually a boy as she has a red bow tie on!

First Friend
I met my first friend in play group and we stay best friends up until we moved to secondary school because we got separated and put into different forms and we made new friends and just grew apart. I had so many amazing memories with her and I really miss her to be honest.

First School Crush
I first fancied a boy when I was in year 4 I think. Looking back now, I really don't see why I did fancy him! I remember I had one of those secret journals where you had one of those pens which only showed up under a certain light and I always wrote 'I <3 T*** W*******' (I am not revealing his name!)

First Kiss
My first kiss was when I was in year 6 at the Valentines disco. It wasn't like a snog, more of a peck on the lips. Me and my boyfriend we're doing the slow dance next to all the other couples in our year and everyone who wasn't dancing started chanting "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" and we we're just like uhhhh. One of my friends was standing next to us and then she grabbed both our heads and pushed them together to make us kiss and it was like 2 seconds long. She then started running around the hall shouting "EMILY AND C****** JUST KISSED!" Everyone made such a big deal about it!

First Celebrity Crush
My first celebrity crush was probably Zac Efron because I was obsessed with High School Musical. I had posters on my walls of him and sometimes I used to kiss them! He is still a very sexy man!

First Boyfriend
My first boyfriend was the one I had the first kiss with. We started going out in year 5 when I told my friend I kind of liked him and she went running off to him to ask him out for me! We were together for around 10 months which is pretty good for a primary school relationship! He left our school and moved up country and we never really broke up so technically we're still going out!!

First Job
I haven't had a proper job because I haven't been old enough. But I did baby sit my two cousins when they're mum and dad and my mum and dad went out for this dinner and it was for like 4 hours and I didn't have to make them go to bed so I just let them watch TV and play on the X-Box so it was pretty easy. I got £20 for it!

First Concert
I'm not going to sound very cool saying this but my first concert was The Wiggles! If you don't know who The Wiggles are they are this children's band and me and my brother and my cousins used to love them! I must of been like 4 or 5 when I went but my first proper concert I was 11 and I went to see McFly in Plymouth and it was amazing!

First Pet
When I was born, my mum and dad had a cat called Sooty and he wasn't very nice. He was always grumpy and he scratched me and bit my brother. In the end he got run over by my grandad! (Accidentally obviously!)

First Album
I think my first album was Pop Party Junior. It was mine, my brother's and my cousin's CD and every time we were at my grans house we would be dancing to McFly 5 Colours in her Hair for hours. It also had Busted Thunderbirds and  that weird German crocodile song!

So that's the My First Time tag, If you want me to do any other tags let me know in the comments.

Cheerio! xx

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