Friday 27 March 2015

My Summer Bucket List

I'm looking forward to summer. I wish it was summer right now. Summer is my favourite season because there isn't any school, I get a tan (which i really need as it seems I am quite a bit paler than all my friends!) and the weather is amazing. It's only now spring and I've already got a summer bucket list because I'm so excited and I thought I would share it with you all.

1. Back garden tent camping.
I did this last year at my friends house and it was so fun and I really enjoyed it. I just think it's a fun thing to do with your mates but make sure its a warm night otherwise it might have to have lots of layers.

2. Play with bubbles.
It may sound weird but playing with bubbles is actually really fun! Especially if you have the ones that make massive bubbles.

3. Make homemade ice cream.
I've always wanted to do this because it seems really cool and you can make up your own cool flavours.

4. Picnic in the park.
This is a really cute idea to do with your friends or partner. It can be really fun or it can be quite romantic if you go late at night.

5. Make a homemade water slide.
This is something I really want to do just because it' really simple to do and it can occupy you for ages (well it can for me!).

6. Go on a scavenger hunt.
This is kind of a weird one but it would be really fun just to run around your garden with friends or family searching for things to win a prize at the end.

7. Go on a walk.
A very simple thing but it can keep you fit in the summer months and sometimes the views are amazing and a perfect photo opportunity.

8. Go on a bike ride.
This is also something that can help you to keep fit and it's fun to do with friends and family.

9. Go to the park.
This is something simple to do when you're bored and your friends are bored.

10. Feed the ducks.
This is actually really fun if there are no seagulls around!  You could go with friends or a younger family member to entertain them.

11. Build a fort.
This is very childish but very fun at the same time. One you have made it you can have a sleepover in there and have midnight feasts and all sorts.

12. Have a water balloon fight.
This is also something that I really want to do because its just so fun! (I feel like the only descriptive word i have used in fun! Sorry!)

13. Play frisbee.
You can do this absolutely anywhere. The beach, the park, anywhere.

14. Go to the beach.
This is something that obviously going to be doing this summer but just it has to go on this list anyway.

15. Go star gazing.
Doing this can be so romantic with someone special but it can also be exciting with a friend.

16. Tie-dye t-shirts.
This is something that I have wanted to do for so long! It's just so cool and I would wear it all the time!

17. Go cloud watching.
Some people may find this really boring but I haven't really done it before. I just find it really cool to find shapes in the clouds and sometimes they're quite funny!

18. Go bowling.
This may seem like a more wintry thing to do but I love doing this all year round even though I'm terrible!

19. Play in the sprinkler.
This is one of my favourite things to do and all you need is the sprinkler!

20. Make a movie.
This is something to do through out the whole summer. It's more like a project.

21. Play messy twister.
I want to do this so bad! It would be so funny and cool to do this with friends.

22. Have a movie night.
Having a movie night is good fun all year round but you will be able to stay up later in the summer as there is no school. (For me though, I still won't be staying up late because I get so tired!)

23. Have a BBQ on the beach.
The summer is basically the only time you can do this and in my opinion it is amazing! What's better than sitting on the beach with your friends eating a burger?

24. Fly a kite.
Simple but a good thing to do on those winding days. Just don't go near any trees!

25. Make a new friend.
I don't really know why I want to do this but I just feel it's a really cool thing to do. Especially in summer.

26. Play mini golf.
I always do this when I go on holiday somewhere. And I love doing it with my brother and my cousins (that's not just because I always win ;)).

27. Play in the rain.
This is great for those days when it's hot but it's raining. I don't like the rain when it's cold but when it's warm, it's really fun.

28. Have a water balloon fight.
This is something else that I really want to do this summer with my friends on a really hot day to cool down.

29. Take loads of pictures.
I obviously will do this everyday but just to make sure I do, it's on this list!

30. Get a tan.
Hopefully, I will be able to get a tan like I do most years but there's something about being more tanned that makes me feel more confident.

31. Kiss someone.
Okay, I know this is really weird but I saw it on someone else's summer bucket list and thought 'Hmm, it would actually be really romantic to kiss someone while watching a sunset!'

32. Go to aquarium.
This is for the day when the weather isn't the best but you want to go out and do something. I love going to the aquarium because I think it's really cool.

33. Watch a sunrise/set.
This is more romantic so you would probably do this with your loved one. I don't have a boyfriend so I will probably do this with a best friend.

34. Dip dye my hair.
Me and my friend Jodie (check out her amazing blog - ) have wanted to do this for so long! I've been googling pictures and looking at pictures on Pinterest also and I think I'm going to get either lilac or teal.

35. Go for a boat ride.
Jodie has also got a boat and she said we can go on it in the summer so that's going to be super fun and also me and my family sometimes go on a boat trip to Falmouth

36. Use an under water camera.
I don't have one of these but I really want to buy one and use it in the sea and take really cool pictures with friends.

37. Have a photo shoot.
This is amazing fun to do with your besties and you just need a cool background and you can use those pictures that you put on sticks like a hat, speech bubble or lips.

38. Have a paint fight.
Another messy one but if you parents are brave enough to let you do it, it's brilliant and a really good laugh.

39. Get a tan tattoo.
I wanted to do this last year but I never did. I'm not too sure what you actually use to get one so if you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments.

40. Make a scrapbook.
This is another summer project or something after summer had just gone. Just to remember all the amazing memories you had over the summer holidays.

So that's my summer bucket list of 2015.
I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting as much recently, it's just because I've had school and it's been very stressful. But luckily, it is now the Easter holidays and in 3 days I will be going up to Liverpool. I think I have planned about 7 blog posts to upload about my trip so you can look forward to that.

Cheerio! xx

In case you want to contact me:
Twitter - @Emily201Kent
Instagram - @__emalumps__
Kik - mudge201
Snapchat - mudgeybaby
Facebook - Emily Kent
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